
Welcome to the CARE 66 blog. We are a small non profit whose mission is to create opportunities to end homelessness. We do this by providing support services and a variety of housing opportunities to our clients ranging from transitional housing to permanent housing with support services.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

August 2009

Mother Road Salsa is available in Albertsons, La Montanita Coop, and at the Makeshift Gallery downtown. This salsa made by our clients under the supervision of a former client who is certified by USDA. Please be sure to buy our salsa from these places.

I am sure that you have heard about the economy. It’s bad. Individual donations are down about 25% compared to last year. This is a huge loss of revenue for us.

Meanwhile, despite the doom and gloom of the economy, we are persisting with our efforts to develop Carl’s TV and the adjoining lot and seeking funds to rehab the Lexington Hotel. We hope to be well positioned to take advantage of any opportunities that should arise in the future.

The latest report about homelessness is out. According to this report there are 3015 homeless people on any given night in New Mexico. Of this number 58% are in rural areas like Gallup.

Several non profits came together under the leadership of Danny Garcia, Executive Director of Gallup Housing Authority, to apply for a grant to provide assistance to people facing homelessness because of eviction. The collaborative, which includes non profits from both McKinley and Cibola County, was given an award. The grant will pay for financial literacy, case management, rental and utility assistance. Stay tuned for further details.

Until next month stay well and do good!

The column above appears in the Gallup Journey (http://www.gallupjourney.com/)every month.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 2009

I stand corrected. My statement last month about stimulus monies was wrong because I spoke to soon. Apparently some is coming to Gallup. We will find out what it is when it arrive.

We have begun putting together grant proposals so that we can renovate the Lexington. Tim Kelley is leaving us, which will be a great loss to us. Please thank him for his many years of service to CARE 66. He was one of the first people to join the staff of CARE 66. We wish him well on his future journey and hope that our paths cross again.

Work is progressing on Carl’s TV. We are still waiting to see how we finance it. We have been denied grants by at least three foundations in the last month, all of whom have laid off staff and closed offices.

We are waiting to hear about whether or not Albertsons will carry our salsa in the region. They carry it in the store at Gallup. Please look for Mother Road Salsa over there and buy it.

Until next month stay well and do good!

The column above appears in the Gallup Journey (http://www.gallupjourney.com/)every month.