November is here. This is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. We are grateful that people help each other in times of trouble. CARE 66 is grateful for your generous and kind support over the years. We could not have done it without your help. With your help we have helped over a 1000 people in the last few years. Many of them have got jobs, found a home and become productive citizens.
We have developed housing for thirty families. And we are planning and designing our next projects. These include a rehab of the Lexington Hotel, a rehab of Carl’s TV and the development of another low-income housing project. To do these we will need your help.
This month our Board will be calling those of you who have given us money in the past as part of year end campaign. We want you to know that every little bit helps. If you would like to support our work and have not been able to in the past, you can do so by sending us a check or using our website ( to make a donation through PayPal.
Meanwhile our work continues of finding resources and leveraging them to increase their impact. This year we have not been as successful in the past with grant applications in national competitions. Hopefully, next year will be a better year for us. Thank you again for everything you do to help us.
Until next month stay well and do good!