It’s the beginning of a New Year. Welcome 2010! Hopefully the trials of 2009 are over and we can move forward with deliberate speed.
Here’s what we have on our plate for 2010.
1. Lexington Hotel – get the remaining funding to complete renovations this year. Schematic design has been completed, detail drawings are under way. When complete this facility will provide an innovative mix of affordable housing and transitional housing for low income individuals, along with the services they need.
2. Liberty Hotel formerly known as Carl’s Radio and TV. Again we hope to get the remaining funds we need to complete renovations. This facility will provide transitional housing for homeless veterans.
3. Chuska Three (for want of a better name) submit applications to fund different components of the project once we have a clearer sense of the feasibility of the project. By this I mean how many apartments, what kind of apartments, parking, how much rental office space, etc.
4. Improve our success rate from 40% to 50% for getting clients into permanent housing and jobs.
I am very grateful for the support you have given us this past year and hope that you will continue to support our work. Thank you. As usual every little bit helps. We are going to explore a few different ideas for fundraising events this year.
Until next month stay well and do good!