February 2010. We have almost completed applications requests to fund the rehabilitation of the Lexington Hotel and the Liberty Hotel. Hopefully these requests will be successful and we will be able to complete these projects this year.
We are also in the process of finalizing plans for a housing development on Coal and Puerco - we eager to see what our architects have come up with this. More on this next month.
We are at the beginning of another year. As usual we will be looking for opportunities to promote affordable housing in Gallup. The City of Gallup has received a proposal from CARE 66 to help with the costs of putting these projects together. We hope that they will give it the consideration it deserves and the support we need.
We are looking forward to a successful year but we are also aware that we still have to recover from the struggles for 2009. This is going to take hard work, discipline and vision and together we can make success happen.
We are very grateful to those of you who sent year end donations to us. Every little bit helps. It helps to make hope possible despite the many obstacles we face. Thank you.
Until next month stay well and do good!