March 2010.
Liberty Hotel aka ‘Carl’s Radio and TV’: The first draft of construction drawings has been completed. We will need to make minor changes and add detail but we are well along the way. Funding applications should go in this month and I will let you know the good news when it comes.
Lexington Hotel: This month we will commission construction drawings and submit funding applications to complete renovations.
Chuska 3 (for want of an official name): Preliminary drawings have been completed. The building will have more than 40 units of low income housing and parking. This project is going to be wonderful addition to the downtown area and is very creative in its approach to solving housing issues like privacy, personal space and security. We hope to see renderings soon.
Meanwhile, we continue to work hard to provide transitional housing to homeless men and veterans. We passed both a Veterans Administration and a New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority inspection of our facility.
Foundations are suffering the loss of endowment income which has affect some of our grants. We hope that the economy picks soon.
Thank you again for your support in this endeavor of bringing prosperity to this area and making hope possible.
Until next month stay well and do good!