
Welcome to the CARE 66 blog. We are a small non profit whose mission is to create opportunities to end homelessness. We do this by providing support services and a variety of housing opportunities to our clients ranging from transitional housing to permanent housing with support services.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gallup Journey Column June 2010

Its June…Remember last month I mentioned a surprise phone call from a funding agency. Well we visited Washington last month in connection with a grant to provide support services to formerly homeless clients. We are busy putting the program together and sorting out all the odds and ends.

We are growing and struggling to grow. Our biggest challenge is the availability of a regular source of funds. For CARE 66 we need 100 people to give us at least $100 per month. We have five people doing this right now. You can help us. And it doesn’t have to be $100 it can be $20. Regular income, is something we need. Its like an endowment that those big fancy schools have. $20 per month is equal to an endowment of at least $2000 and a $100 per month is equivalent to $10,000 of endowment, assuming that it earns an income of 5% which is a conservative assumption.

We are finalizing details with the architect for the Lexington. Our hope is to have construction documents completed by the end of July so that we can go out to bid and begin construction quickly. Meanwhile we have a bunch of money to raise.

Thank you again for your support in this endeavor of bringing prosperity to this area and making hope possible.

Until next month stay well and do good!