September 2010. Last month Senator Jeff Bingaman and Lt. Governor Diane Denish visited the Lexington Hotel. They looked at our plans for renovating the facility and asked good questions. It was a pleasure to see staff and people from the community at this event.
Last month we found out that we did not receive a grant for the renovation of the Lexington Hotel. We know that grants are not guaranteed. So now we are exploring a phased approach to renovating the Lexington in partnership with Tohatchi Area Opportunity and Service (TAOS). We will need to recruit volunteers to help with construction, painting and all the myriad of tasks that go with renovating a facility. We believe that construction documents will be completed by the end of the year. These documents will be enable us to determine what needs to be contracted and what can be done with volunteer labor. Look for news in next years editions of the Journey for volunteer opportunities.
On September 18 will be hosting a fun ride 66 mile bicycle ride. There will be shorter options too for those who cannot ride the entire 66 miles. Riders will pay a registration fee of $66. Those who collect pledges of more than $150 will get a beautiful coffee mug. Its easy to sign up. Ask your friends to support your ride by making a donation to CARE 66. All donations are tax deductible. More information can be found at
Thank you again for your support in this endeavor of bringing prosperity to this area and making hope possible.
Until next month stay well and do good!