
Welcome to the CARE 66 blog. We are a small non profit whose mission is to create opportunities to end homelessness. We do this by providing support services and a variety of housing opportunities to our clients ranging from transitional housing to permanent housing with support services.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanks and gratitude expand my heart.

We would not be here today were it not for everyone coming together to make CARE 66 happen.

Contained in the list below are stories - of frustration, hopelessness, depression, anger, and also of success, hope, sanity, homes, jobs, and fullness.   You will find yourself in the lists below, not by name, but, by what you have done for people who are homeless with no one to help them.

I have not mentioned you by name only because there are so many of you.  Today we give you thanks for your generosity of spirit, wallet and time.

Many thanks, gratitude and blessings:
  • To the staff, past and present, of CARE 66 whose hard work, dedication and commitment have brought us this far. 
  • To the  past and present Board members who have worked tirelessly to give direction and build support for CARE 66.
  • To City Councils, past and present, and to Mayors, past and present, and to City staff for their help and assistance.
  • To County Commissioners, past and present, and to County staff, for the insight and assistance they have given us.
  • To the community that is Gallup - a wonderful town because of the wonderful people who live here, for nurturing and supporting CARE 66.
  • To our donors who give generously of their money and resources.
  • To our partners, collaborators, funders for making things happen.
  • To our clients for working so hard to get your life back together.
  • To Bethany Christian Reformed Church, the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, First United Methodist Church, Sacred Heart Cathedral, and Rehoboth Church for your support, volunteers, and donations.
  • To the volunteers who come in and make a feast for our clients every month.
  • To the volunteers who help with the odds and ends of work, cabinets, IT, painting, repairs etc.
  • To the Gallup Journey and the Gallup Independent for encouragement and forcing us to tell our stories.
  • To everybody who has not been thanked in the list above for everything you have done and will do for CARE 66.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gallup Journey Column November 2010

November 2010. We are busy. Working on grants and complying with grant agreements. That is we are providing services and seeking to expand services and the affordable housing supply in Gallup.
Last month the architects for our downtown project gave us a model of the new apartments we are hoping to build in downtown Gallup. Come by and take a look.

In October we submitted a grant proposal to HUD Choice Neighborhoods for this project. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Mayor and City Council along Kevin and Pete for their help. Now we are working on another proposal to use Low Income Housing Tax Credits to develop this project. We are also working the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness on a grant that will help fund services for homeless people in Gallup. Hopefully we will have the problem of being awarded all the monies we request. This is not a common problem and is one that we have never had in the past but it never hurts to hope or ask.

Construction documents for the Lexington are being prepared and we are excited about renovations that will begin soon. Keep your eyes out for an announcement about an open house in the next month or two.

Its Thanksgiving this month so be sure to enjoy yourself with family and friends. Give a brief thought to those in homeless shelters or far from home.

Thank you again for your support in this endeavor of bringing prosperity to this area and making hope possible.

Until next month stay well and do good!