
Welcome to the CARE 66 blog. We are a small non profit whose mission is to create opportunities to end homelessness. We do this by providing support services and a variety of housing opportunities to our clients ranging from transitional housing to permanent housing with support services.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column April 2012

April 2012.  Onward and upward!  We are busy.  The finishing touches for the Lexington are being or have been done.  We are working on the next project and the one after it.

The next project is Hooghan Hozho’.  It has many components.  There is a new building with about 45 units – mostly two bedrooms.  The new building also includes a cafĂ©/restaurant, an Early Childhood Development Center, office spaces for support services and administration, play spaces, open areas, parking, etc etc. 

The other phase for which we are currently seeking monies is the rehab of Carl’s Radio and TV aka the Liberty Hotel which will contain efficiency or SRO apartments.  We are trying to build these projects as green as possible.  By green we mean energy efficient - which means that we are looking at the possibility of generating electricity or heating water, - and if we don’t have enough money, to wire/plumb the building for when we do have money.

I want to thank all of you for your kindness and generosity in helping get the remodel of the Lexington Hotel done.  As is the case for the any project like this, we are indebted to far more people than it is possible to name, for kindnesses both large and small that helped us to move along.

Until next month stay well and do good!