
Welcome to the CARE 66 blog. We are a small non profit whose mission is to create opportunities to end homelessness. We do this by providing support services and a variety of housing opportunities to our clients ranging from transitional housing to permanent housing with support services.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3rd Annual Mother Road Bicycle Classic

September 15, 2012

Pledges can be as little as $5 or as much as $100,000. You’ll be surprised at how the small ones add up. All gifts are tax deductible. Instructions for collecting pledges are posted below.


Ask your friends, coworkers, family members, and anyone else who might be willing to support affordable housing and support services for homeless people in Gallup.

Instructions for collecting pledges click here
Pledge Sheet click here


Entry fee is $66 (plus donations) per rider. This can be paid by the rider or raised through pledges. All riders bringing in $150 or more in pledges will receive a coffee mug.

We are working on getting T-Shirts for everybody who signs up to ride.

Brochure click here
Registration Form click here

Mother Road Bike Route Maps 
*The Whole Enchilada click here
*Medium Well click here
*Short click here
*Shortest and Sweetest click here

Sign in is at 8:00 am.

All rides will be supported with food and drink stops as well as basic repair supplies such as tubes, tires, air, etc.

Please note: roads will not be closed for this event. You will be responsible for following normal rules of the road and are responsible for your own safety.
Waivers will be distributed for signing prior to the ride.
Rider Waiver click here

Become a sponsor of the Mother Road Bicycle Classic

Sponsorship Information click here

For information email Lanalle

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column July 2012

July 2012.  We have been meeting with Navajo Housing Authority to see if there is a possibility to renew our support services grant.  We met with them in late June and are happy to report that we will eventually receive funds to support social services.

Our annual Mother Road Bicycle Classic is scheduled for, Saturday, September 15th.  If you are interested in doing the medium length ride as a way of to develop confidence and endurance, please email me and we can set up a ride or two.

We are also looking into the idea of several small community gatherings/tours to talk about our vision for this community and the surrounding communities.

Until next month stay well and do good!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column June 2012

June 2012. Last month an operating grant for services to homeless people was completed. As yet, we have not been able to get a continuing grant. We were forced to lay off several staff members because of the revenue shortage. Carl’s TV caught fire and we are still waiting to determine the cause.

These crises have caused us to fast track other projects, imagine new ones including a senior citizens project, and develop partnerships.

Hooghan Hozho’ is the final stretch of engineering. The Lexington is doing well.  

Our annual Mother Road Bicycle Classic is scheduled for, Saturday, September 15th.  If you are interested in doing the medium length ride as a way of to develop confidence and endurance, please email me and we can set up a ride or two.

We are also looking into the idea of several small community gatherings/tours to talk about our vision for this community and the surrounding communities.

Until next month stay well and do good!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column May 2012

May 2012.  We are busy.  Hooghan Hozho’ is being engineered as we speak.  We are awaiting approval for second phase funding and from other grants that we have applied for.

Theresa Lee has been promoted to Chief Financial Officer of CARE 66.  She has done stellar job since she came to work for us last year.  She has led us through two audits successfully and has been a very welcome addition to the leadership team at CARE 66.

Fitz Sargent is designing a gate for the Lexington Hotel courtyard.  I have seen some preliminary sketches and they look very good.

Yours truly has been nominated as Non-Profit Leader of 2012 by the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness to recognize people and projects that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help homeless people in New Mexico.

As usual, with ground breaking for one project imminent, we are planning and imagining other projects that will provide housing, address poverty, provide children and their parents with opportunities to succeed while helping make this town even better for everybody. 

Until next month stay well and do good!  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column April 2012

April 2012.  Onward and upward!  We are busy.  The finishing touches for the Lexington are being or have been done.  We are working on the next project and the one after it.

The next project is Hooghan Hozho’.  It has many components.  There is a new building with about 45 units – mostly two bedrooms.  The new building also includes a cafĂ©/restaurant, an Early Childhood Development Center, office spaces for support services and administration, play spaces, open areas, parking, etc etc. 

The other phase for which we are currently seeking monies is the rehab of Carl’s Radio and TV aka the Liberty Hotel which will contain efficiency or SRO apartments.  We are trying to build these projects as green as possible.  By green we mean energy efficient - which means that we are looking at the possibility of generating electricity or heating water, - and if we don’t have enough money, to wire/plumb the building for when we do have money.

I want to thank all of you for your kindness and generosity in helping get the remodel of the Lexington Hotel done.  As is the case for the any project like this, we are indebted to far more people than it is possible to name, for kindnesses both large and small that helped us to move along.

Until next month stay well and do good!  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column March 2012

It’s official.  We have moved into the Lexington Hotel.  We are slowly settling in and discovering the wonders and joys of living in an almost new building.

            Work on Hooghan Hozho’ is next phase of the dream after the Lexington Hotel.  This project will be a mixed-income i.e. it will provide market-rate apartments and affordable apartments for low to moderate income families.  It will also provide space for a coffee shop, an Early Childhood Development Center, support services and CARE 66 administration, if all goes according to plan.

            We are confronting the nitty gritty details that all projects have in abundance while we study the city code, our building plans and beg for money. 

Until next month stay well and do good!  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gallup Journey Column February 2012

It’s official.  We have moved into the Lexington Hotel.  We have moved people living on our Transitional Shelter at Frances Opportunity Center to the ground floor of the Lexington Hotel.  And, former residents of the Lexington Hotel have been moved back to their place of residence.

            CARE 66 administration offices have moved to the basement of the GJU building.  We will be there for the next 18 months until our new offices, which will be part of the Hooghan Hozho’ development, are completed on Strong Drive, which we hope will be sooner.

            The Lexington Hotel is a labor of love and we could not have done it without your support.  Together with locally raised funds we leveraged monies from the State Legislature, HUD, ARRA, Navajo Housing Authority, and private foundations.  We are very grateful to each of these funders and we look forward to working with them on future projects.

           Rhonda Berg, Peter Tarutis and Carl Smith have worked very hard to complete this project.  Please congratulate them when you see them.

           Many years ago it was our dream to provide a place where people could transition from homelessness to a home of their own while still having access to support services.  We now move onto the next phase of this dream.  Naturally, there will be bugs to be worked out and new challenges to be faced. 

Until next month stay well and do good!